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Showing posts with label default. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Defaulted Student Loans

One of the biggest things on my credit is student loans. When you are in default on student loans it can greatly decrease your credit score. I am also wanting to return to school in January, and would not be able to get any financial aid if I am in default. Yesterday I decided to call the Department of Education to see exactly what I needed to do to get back in good standings.

Apparently there is a new program that can help. The program allows you to set up payment arrangements and get caught up. In this plan you have to make all of your default student loan payments on time, every month. If you pay all of your payments on time you will be eligible for financial aid in six months, then if you pay on time for nine months your loans will show on your credit report as a positive.

I could not pass this opportunity up. I signed up for the program and will start making payments of around $40. This is one of the biggest steps I have made in my personal financial journey, and it is going to help quite a bit.

If you have a default student loan through the government you should read this page, or call 1-800-219-7931. It is worth a try to get your finances together if you are on your own financial journey.